Tuesday, September 29, 2009

kiva late lending loans

I haven't been posting, I've been very sick.

I made a few loans through the late lending loans group, hopefully they will all get funded.

Loan Purchase of $25 to Jose Leonidad Reyes Espinoza (business id=131511)

Counted towards Barack Oblogger
Loan Purchase of $25 to Salimchon Salimov (business id=125342)

Counted towards Barack Oblogger
Loan Purchase of $25 to Jazmines Group (business id=129394)

Counted towards Barack Oblogger

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Facebook freinded a Gorilla

I befriended a gorilla on facebook today - Kamunga a female silverback. It only cost $1. I wanted to donate more but couldn't. I guess I need to friend more gorillas. I hope its a successful fund raiser.

Friday, September 25, 2009

kiva loan to Julia

I made a loan today to a Julia in Nicaragua.

La microempresaria Julia del Carmen Martínez tiene 49 años de edad, es madre soltera con 3 hijos dos mayores de edad y un menor de edad, todos se encuentran estudiando tanto en nivel universitario como primario y secundario. La señora Martínez tiene un negocio de venta de ropa desde hace 6 años y este negocio es su único ingreso que tiene.

La señora Martínez manifiesta que si bien es cierto que existen bastantes negocios que le hace competencia, considera que lo importante es la atención que se les brinda a los clientes y a la vez poder conocer las necesidades de estos. Por ejemplo en invierno los clientes compran bastantes mosquiteros, ya que los mosquitos se reproducen mucho y es necesario protegerse en contra de ellos.

También la venta de pañales se ha incrementado ya que en la ciudad los embarazos han aumentado, en fin se debe estar comprando los productos que son mas demandados por los clientes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Julia in the Sudan

I made a loan today to Julia in the Sudan.

Julia Benson is currently in the business of selling beer and soda and is requesting a loan to purchase more crates of beer and some wines to sell.

Julia is 35 years old and is Married with a husband that is a business man. She has 5 children and her children go to school.

With the extra profits from her loan, she hopes to be able to open up a hotel.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

kiva, honduras

I made a loan today to Honduras. Things are happening in that country - my colleague can't go home because the airport is closed.

CRISMA is a very united group made up of two men and a woman. Details of each of their activities are set out below:

SANTOS DAVID GARCIA JUAREZ: his main activity is selling various things. His business operates under the name "Variedades MELISSA" and is located on the main street of Villa Santa, a very strategic location for this type of business. He is married with 2 children, whom he provides with everything for food, clothing, medical and educational expenses. His wife is a nurse and lends her services to a health centre in a community near Villa Santa. In his business, he has a great variety of materials for students, gifts for every occasion, body creams and American clothes. The income the business generates covers home expenses.

MARIA ONDINA AMADOR RODRIGUEZ: she has worked selling sweets for 7 years. Previously she spent all her time selling from a room in her house but for the past 3 years she has been selling the sweets in a cafeteria in the Villa Santa college where she receives more income. She now sells from the college during working hours and when the school period finishes, she continues selling from a room in her house in the evening. Her clients prefer her for the attention she offers and the taste of her products. She is married with 4 children. She decided to work in the business because their financial situation was difficult and since starting their living conditions have improved. She works with her husband to cover certain household costs and has been able to support one daughter to graduate from secondary school. Her husband works in agriculture and their daughter helps with the business.

JOSE CECILIO SANCHEZ ZUNIGA: he is 23 years old and works repairing electrical appliances, refridgerators and electric motors. He is married and has two children. Jose began working from an early age as he found academic work difficult and only passed the 2nd grade of primary education. He works hard because he doesn't want the same thing to happen to his children, so he makes an effort so that they will graduate.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I made a loan today to Julia Narda Aguilar Gomez in Leon, Nicaragua.

Julia Narda Aguilar Gómez is 59. She humbly sells cosmetics. She has been doing this for over ten years because she has always liked to work. She started through her own efforts with certain products; she was given very few products. She lives in a very humble manner with her two children. She works very hard because that is the only way she could give her children the necessities. She is asking for this loan for working capital to buy creams, perfumes, and colognes. What she likes best about her work is being able to meet other people and get more work experience. Her biggest dream is to get her own beauty salon.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kiva loans

Today I supported Juliana Caceres Tuco in Puno, Puno, Peru

La señora Juliana es socia del Banco Comunal “La Ilaveñita” que esta ubicado en el distrito de Ilave, Provincia de El Collao, Departamento de Puno, ella tiene 36 años de edad, estado civil soltera y madre de una niña Juliana estudio educación superior técnica Administración, vive en Ilave.

La señora trabaja con el Movimiento Manuela Ramos hace 2 años, su préstamo inicial fue de S/. 300.00 nuevos soles, el mismo que lo invirtió compra venta de ropa.

En este momento ella solicito un préstamo de S/. 800.00 Nuevos soles, para la compra de ropa de abrigo, todo por pedido y entrega inmediata, Juliana comparte con su mama otros negocios ellas se turnan y tienen una tienda de venta de abarrotes.

Su sueño es poner una tienda grande de venta de ropa en Tacna.

A ella le gustan las facilidades en los préstamos y los ahorros

Monday, September 14, 2009


I made a loan today to Elsa Julia Moran De Fuentesin Ahuachapán., El Salvador. She's going to use the money to increase her inventory.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kiva is Cool

I made a Kiva loan today to María Julia Hernández De López in San Salvador, El Salvador.

María Julia Hernández De López reside en la capital del país, junto a su esposo y sus dos. María se dedica a la elaboración de comida y platillos típicos, los cuales cocina y prepara desde su casa. Al iniciar el negocio, María Julia ni siquiera podía cocinar, pero la necesidad y el esfuerzo, la han convertido en una exitosa cocinera y administradora. María Julia solicita un préstamo para comprar materia prima y así reinvertir en su negocio que tanta alegría le ha brindado a ella y a su familia.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Education Generation

I helped out two students today ($20 each) at Education Generation. In some sense its like a loan to the world.

One of the students is Luckisika. Luckshika is studying computer science at Eastern University in Sri Lanka. She is one of four girls. Her father is retired. Luckshika is very determined and very hard working. She sat the university entrance exams three years in a row until she was finally accepted. She would like to earn enough to put her sisters through university too.

Luckshika started University in Sept 2008 and this scholarship (of $260) will cover her second year of of University!

The other student is Ramachandran. Ramachandran is studying Science at Eastern University. He is the oldest of 5 children. In 1990 their house was destroyed during the civil war. The family was housed in a refugee camp where they lived for several years. They are now living in a relative’s house. The father works as a laborer. Ramachandran is anxious to be able to help his family escape from poverty.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kiva loans to Julia's

I made two kiva loans today - one to Blanca Julia Juarez in Nicaragua for her store, the other to Julia Coronel Landaveri in La Paz, Bolivia for her grocery store.

Sorry I'm too tired to post pictures, its been a long day.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Memorial shirts for the firemen who died in the station fire.

I just bought a few shirts for a memorial fund for the two firemen who died in the station fire. $20. What a deal. Profits are split between the two families.

I also made a donation to Rob Miller, the person running against the congressman who yelled at President Obama today. He's a vet and progressive enough for me, and I think having him in the house instead of the yeller is a good thing.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Kiva loans to Julia's in Peru.

I'm back in the country again. Made two Kiva loans today - to Julia's. One was to Julia Del Pilar in Lima, Peru for her business, the other is to Julia in Ayacucho, Peru for firewood/fuel.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Looking for 41 people

I'm looking for 41 more people show they are grateful for the sacrifice firefighter Arnie Quinonces* made by buying a gift at his widow's baby registry. Some items are as low as $2.49

Link here

I don't normally ask anyone to do things, but I would really like the registry to be full by tomorrow, so everything gets delivered at once. Aren't there 41 grateful people?

The hardest part was figuring out what to put on the gift card. I cried.

*Arnie Quinonces died fighting the station fire. His wife is due in the next few weeks.