Monday, October 08, 2007

Spare Parts and Kiva Org in Second Life

I got a Kiva credit, so rushed off to spend it, and found a great loan for my husband.
Ilkin Khalafov is in Salyan region, Azerbaijan and has a 'spare parts' business.

Yawn. Was up late last night in second life, working on some Kiva displays and a todo list and job descriptions. I need to get more people involved and responsible for things inworld, so more can get accomplished. The plan is to delegate everything I'm doing so things don't fall apart if I"m not around, and to let more things happen. I think we can accomplish a lot with Kiva in Second life. Just need to get organized. Good thing I don't need that much sleep! (I laughed when I got a message this morning from our Kiva SL treasurer Elron saying he had been up late last night working on Kiva things!). I wonder if many non-profits get this kind of volunteerism. The stuff kivafriends is doing is incredible, and I keep finding more and more Kiva stuff going on everywhere.

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