Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Peru & Kiva

Zenaida, Rita and Alberta are members of the "Amauta Huamanga Community Bank" since 4, 4, and 8 months, respectively.

Zenaida is 44 years old; she is married and has 7 children. She is a street vendor and sells different types of products depending on seasonal demand. For instance, she sells school supplies during the school year and toys during Christmas.

Rital is 23 years old; she is married and has 3 children. Rita sells sandals at a shop, in the Grau market. She buys the sandals in the city of Lima and transports them to Ayacucho.

Alberta is 41 years old; she lives together with her couple and has 2 children. Alberta sells ceviche (form of citrus marinated seafood salad) but would like to stop this activity in order to sell clothes like school uniforms.

Zenaida, Rita and Alberta are asking for loans of 1000 soles (360USD) each. They will use them to buy pencils, colored pencils, crayons, sandals and uniforms.

Zeneida dreams of having her own stand to sell her products. Rita would like to study a profession and expand her business and Alberta would like to have a grocery shop.

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