Monday, August 22, 2016

Loan to coffee grower in Peru

Made a loan to Peru, to a new microlender.  Adriano, aged 45, is a member of the Cenfrocafe Cooperative and lives in Caserío Cruz de Chalpon, San Ignacio, Peru. Adriano lives with his wife and their two children who are of school age. He wants to use the income from the farm to support his family and to educate his children. Adriano dreams of salvaging his coffee production, which was affected by yellow coffee rust, and buying more hectares of coffee.

With the loan Adriano is going to buy fertilisers so he can ensure good quality in his organic coffee. He has shown himself to be responsible during his eight years as an active member of Norandino and is grateful for the services. With the extra income he wants to reinvest the money into his farm. Adriano plans shortly to buy more hectares of coffee and guarantee a good life for his family.

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