Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Kiva loan to Farmline

Made a kiva loan to Farmline.  Farmerline is a global social enterprise using mobile technology to connect farmers to information and vital services that increase profit. ​ Through Farmerline’s 399 service, farmers are able to dial the USSD code “399” on a mobile phone in Ghana and are presented with options to access affordable, genuine inputs, financial literacy education, weather forecasts, as well as weekly updates on market prices, all in their local languages. Farmerline is presented with viable data which is used to connect the farmer to the nearest Famerline in-field workshop, community agent, or distributor. At this point the farmer has the option to obtain the input through a layaway wallet program or input credit scheme. As a result, Farmerline is able to provide the high quality inputs that farmers need to protect their crops and the resources to purchase other services to support their livelihood. Watch and learn how Farmerline's 399 Service is impacting farmers

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