Friday, August 30, 2013

Kiva loan to Honduras

Gloria is 37 years old, a mother of two children, housewife and a farmer. She has been in a common-law relationship for many years, one that gets stronger every day. Her children are still minors, one of them attends primary school. Along with her partner she is involved in the different farming activities such as: cleaning, harvesting the coffee beans, pruning, adding fertilizer and manure etc. Her parents taught her how to farm from an early age and she has been farming coffee for many years. She thanks God for having given them the opportunity to have their own land, which is located one kilometer from their house. 

Gloria has requested a loan from COMIXMUL in order to buy fertilizer, manure and foliar spray fertilizer. These products are necessary to keep the leaves and the plant in good condition, thus harvesting a quality bean in the end. 

Her plans are to buy a little more land on which she would plant a different, more competitive and desirable species. This would have the purpose of generating more income, boosting the family economy and offering her children a better education and higher standard of living.

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