Thursday, February 19, 2009

kiva and vets

Made a Kiva loan today to Maria Luisa Gil Rabay in Guatemala.

María Luisa, 43, is the mother of four children. She lives in Sumpango Sacatepequez, a town about one hour west of Guatemala City. She is a very entrepreneurial and resourceful woman who supports the betterment of her family by sending her children to school and improving the quality of their home. María Luisa sells food products to the workers of a factory that is located in San Lucas Sacatepequez, about 10 kilometers from her house. She began by selling a small number of food items but her customers asked for other items such as fruit, sodas, and candies. These requests gave María Luisa the idea of selling a greater variety of food items. By doing so, she knows that she can increase her revenue. She has also started making delicious meals to sell – and she now has a much bigger clientele. Her current capital isn’t enough to buy what she needs, so she is requesting a loan to help her grow the business. She feels very happy to be an important part of her family and to help support the education of her children. Her dream is to save and have a beautiful house someday and to see her children grow up to become professionals.

I also bought some more snacks for the volunteer office at the West VA to give out to hungry patients/vets.

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