Monday, February 18, 2008

Julia Kiva loan while I'm in Europe

I have been in Europe for the last week and have not been able to post. I will be returning on Friday.

Today I did relend a Kiva credit to a Julia in Peru who wants to add photocopier and a public telephone to her store. This will help the community a lot, and shows how Kiva helps beyond what is measurable.


Rusty said...

Very cool. A great picture too. The kids are cute, especially the two smallest.

I just made my 6th loan today and have finally ventured into Africa. I recently started my own blog at Hopefully I'll get at least a small following as I plug for Kiva and Kiva Friends.

Have a great time traveling (Europe..oh so lucky!). Will you be posting pics and blogging about your trip??


Julia said...

Fantastic! I added your blog on my link. The url is btw.

I usually post personal stuff on another blog, I'll send you the link when I put the pictures up. If anyone else wants it, please ask.